Industrial Solutions

Industrial waterproofing Solutions - Providing services for apply and supply

Roof Leakage: If your organization is facing any of the issues like paint peel off, dampness, mould, effloresce, algae/fungus in your premises, or any other issues. To treat them the Revolutionary Nanotechnology-based waterproofing solution is used. Its product Nanosil is used to works like a lotus leaf, repelling water from the applied surface. Thus making your Basement, Bathroom, Kitchen, Wooden Doors and Window waterproof and water-repellent. This product can be applied on any surface before or after paints.

Wet Basements: Not only this, our product range is efficient enough to treat the problem of a wet basement, production floor damage, and leakage from the shed, tanks, and underground areas. Our most demanding products Micronsil 30C and Micronsil 30C Plus use hydrophobic admixtures used for specific purposes. This will not only use the content of the mix and make the plaster dense, compact and durable, but both products are the perfect cure to stop the transmission of water through the plaster.

The solution to cracks: To fill up the cracks, Cracksil is used. It is a polymeric, modified powder material which is used for filling plastered & structural crack surface with strong adhesion. As it is non-shrink in nature, the product possesses good water resistance properties & weathering durability.

Like this, there are many products that are helpful in treating leakage and waterproofing issues at an industry level.

Are you looking for a strong foundation for Industrial construction?
Metakrete is a BIS certified mineral-based product used for precast structures. It is thermally structured Ultrfine Pozzolan which replaces industrial by-products such as Silicafume / Microsilica.

Working Projects by 20MCC (Apply & Supply)
20MCC provides apply and supply for all type of industrial waterproofing solutions. We offer a wide range of products for the application. These products like admixtures for concrete, plaster curing compounds, waterproofing chemicals, crack repair, Products for effloresce, salt, Algae/Fungus, Paint peel off, dampness and water repellent products are all offered by 20mcc to serve various industrial needs