
Structural Cracks



Difference Between Structural And Non-Structural Foundation Cracks

Do you have cracked walls in your building or house? Do these foundational cracks increase with time? What is the leading cause of these cracks? All these questions often come to mind after seeing cracks in the walls. We all find these cracks very ugly and intolerable. Let us find the answer to all the above questions and learn more about "Foundation Cracks".

Foundation Wall Cracks are the vertical and horizontal cracks in the foundation walls that increase with time. These cracks' leading cause is settling in the concrete foundation, which is quite common in newly constructed buildings. The disadvantages of these cracks are:-

  • No one likes a damp and rusty house. These cracks reduce your house beauty and make it look ugly and lifeless.

  • The foundational cracks also reduce the lifecycle of the structure. The chances of building collapse or damage are maximum. Also, It has proved to be a threat to human life too. Thus, it needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

  • The cracks in the walls increase over time and, if not fixed, could lead tothe problem of damps and leakages(even in the new construction). Hence, it is advised to fix it permanently.

  • The cracks are like termites. They hollow the building's whole structure, just like the termites do with the wood and keeps on increasing.

  • The cracks are threats to the building and are responsible for spreading various health problems and diseases among the family members or people living around. The moisture inside the wall makes it hollow and creates damps, and collects water. This collected water is a powerhouse for various diseases and is a threat for living beings around.

Types of Foundation Cracks

1. Vertical Cracks:- 

These types of cracks occur due to the oil settlement and create a lot of pressure on the wall, leading to cracking. Vertical cracks absorb lots of water and need repairing.

2. Horizontal Cracks:- 

 These cracks are formed when horizontal pressure is exerted against the wall from the outside. These are severe cracks and can cause a lot of damage if not repaired in time.

3. Stair Step Cracks:- 

 These types of cracks attack mortar joints between individual blocks due to solid pressure or settlement. These cracks run through the wall and form a stair-step pattern. These types of cracks often show foundation problems and need repairing.

As discussed above, Cracks in the wall is a serious affair, and we have to find a permanent solution for that. Luckily, we can fix them quickly and effectively.

Foundation cracks are also categorized as Structural and Non-structural cracks. Lets us discuss them one by one:- 

Non- Structural Cracks: These are the cracks with no regular shape or size and are present in your house's foundation. These types of cracks do not affect the structural integrity of your home or building. They are fragile cracks (usually less than three millimetres in width). Climate change, poor construction material and hydrostatic pressure are the leading causes of Non-Structural Cracks.

Structural Cracks:-  This category of cracks threatens the structural integrity of the construction or building. They can take any shape or size and needs to be addressed quickly. They can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal or stair shaped cracks with more than three millimetres in width.

DR. FIXIT CRACK X:- This is a quick and ready to apply application that helps to fill the smaller as well as big cracks(Cracks More than 5mm in width)

Moreover, Concrete epoxy is widely used as anexternal wall crack filler. These cracks are made from concrete. It can be either injected or applied with the brush, depending upon the size of the cracks.

Wall Crack filling material in  India 

Lets us take a look at the few Wall Crack filling material available in India:-

  • Toupret Redlite Filler

  • Ronseal Smooth Finish Filler

  • Toupret Interior filler

  • Polycell Ready Mixed Tub Deep Gap

  • Caulk Once

  • Everbuild Flexible Decorators Filler

  • Tetrion DTE068 All Purpose

  • Ronseal Smooth Finish Filler

  • Everbuild EVBFILL5 All Purpose

  • Everbuild One Strike Multi-Purpose

Cracksil is the best example of wall and terrace crack filler. It is widely used because of their property to provide high resistance against water pressure and moisture. Also, Shelfkey Silicone Sealants Clear is widely known for its high tensile strength and is an example of exterior wall crack filler.